In the last post, I discussed the changes undergone in the past eight years. One point I realized I hadn't made was that the Thursday pattern is not ended. I gave notice on a Thursday for my last day, two weeks later, for a Thursday, just before leaving for a four-generation Florida vacation. After that, though, the Thursday cycle is broken. I begin my new position on a Monday. The new position, while in Pewaukee, closer to my home, has a caveat whereby I must undergo "training" at the corporate HQ in Iron Mountain, Michigan. This will present its own unique set of problems, beyond the obvious.
First, I need to get routine maintenance done on my commuter car before leaving for Florida. I also need to buy some new work boots as some of the "training" will include the actual factory floor. The company reimburses up to $150.00 for them, but, as I am an anal type, I insist on getting these before I even am informed as to when I need them, just to be prepared, to continue my habit of being a good and faithful employee. Bedsides this, I need to get the lawn mowed and the car packed on the evening before the Florida debarkation . In addition, I need to have my items ready for the Iron Mountain trip which will be necessary the very same day we all return from Florida, thereby causing even more stress as some of the items I will have taken to Florida I will need for Iron Mountain. So, as a n extra added vacation bonus, after having driven about six or seven hours from somewhere in Kentuckyananois, unpacking a car and suitcases, I will get to repack yet the same suitcase with different items and drive another four hours to the north. The very thought of this makes my head hurt.