Wednesday, April 29, 2009


All hail The One, the savior of the world, Mr. Hip! We must not merely obey The Leader, we must love The Leader.

Shall we list some of the accomplishments of the best Community Organizer/President ever?
  1. Unemployment doubled.
  2. 50% drop in value of entire stock market.
  3. increased U.S. deficit by 200%.
  4. Increased U.S. debt by 400%.
  5. Allowed missile test in North Korea.
  6. Sat through 40 minute diatribe of U.S. failings spouted by third world dictator.
  7. Osama Bin Ladden STILL not captured.
  8. U.S. troops STILL in Iraq.
  9. 9/11-style scare over NYC by Air Force One.
  10. Swine flu pandemic
  11. Dissed U.K. leaders - TWICE! Once here, once there.
  12. Scuttled entire missile defense systems and future development plans.
  13. Hung CIA out to dry with release of secret memos.
  14. Gitmo STILL open.
  15. World Apology Tour - 2009 (see T-shirts, mugs and caps).
  16. Jetting to Midwest twice in one week for photo ops (isn't buzzing NYC enough?).
  17. Signed spending bill with 8,000+ earmarks after promising not to allow earmarks.

I know, I know, the flu isn't REALLY his fault, but if a republican were President, he or she would be blamed for it, the party has been by some as it is.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Last night was the annual budget meeting at church. I have been involved with this process for almost thirty years and, for the most part, it is relatively painless. Last night was painful. Our church, like most others and most of the country in general, is having financial trouble. The men in charge made as many cuts in the budget as they could without harming any necessary programs, especially our school, the backbone of the future of this congregation. There, however, was a exception to the last statement. It was determined that, after all the budget cuts were made, a full-time staff member had to be "let go". I must say here that the people charged with making the recommendations for this action, for the most part, are not familiar with nor accustomed to this type of decision making. Having experienced unemployment twice in the last two years myself I know this was not pleasant for anyone.

All this being said, the tension in the school cafeteria (the meeting site) was thick. Generally, this meeting may have forty Voters present (men only-the reason is Biblical and I cannot explain it satisfactorily. I merely live by the rules). This night, the room was full. Even my wife attended - for the first time. All the decisions to be made were published and in the open for all to see. Anticipation was the rule of the night.

Good discussion ensued on all items of the recommendations for the budget cuts. I usually get verbally involved in these, mostly because of some technical point I need clarified (or I think needs clarification), but I, personally, was satisfied with the proceedings, technically, that is and I kept my fat yap shut. The discussion did not get heated nor antagonistic, though it could have should the original staff reduction been forwarded as planned.

All-in-all, while morose, the decision was the correct one, even though the person being "let go" was a faithful servant of the congregation continuously for over thirty years. I feel I am able to call him "friend". Even the congregation's President, another friend and a life-long member (it actually could have been me up there as I was offered the position on the same night he was) got choked up and teary, which, of course, caused a similar reaction in me.

There is some good in all this. One is that it proves that when money cannot be raised to support programs your organization deems necessary because there is no unlimited funding source (U.S. Congress, Wisconsin Legislature) only item cuts can and must be made, as painful as they may be. Another is that we are reminded of the love of our Creator and how fickle this world is and how much closer we are to the next.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Yesterday we went to "The 'kosh" to spend some time with our granddaughter. At the risk of being uber-redundant, I believe she reveals more personality, intelligence, humor and independence every time we see her in this setting. I believe she is presently displaying her "twos", and her parents aren't biting, much to my approval. She has always been an agreeable child, not willing to please, but genuinely agreeable, seemingly using every encounter as a learning experience. This continues, even while the "twos" emerge.

This "agreeableness" was very evident last night. Her parents went out for some adult together time while we were charged with feeding and bedding. Her parents, however, felt it necessary to hang around far too late for our liking as we had a "project" to complete in their anticipated absence. This "project" was going to take some planning, patience and time. We finally felt it necessary to begin the "project" with the parents still present in the house under strict instructions "not to look" as we undertook the "project".

It was my assigned task to ready everything for swift "project" completion. I read and reread the instructions, noting that they were written for a ten-year-old to comprehend at one point reminding the reader that he/she may need the help of an adult at a specific point. The instructed preparations were made to the letter. Then the other 2/3 of the "project" team entered the prepared work area.

Surprised that the area looked so comprehensively prepared, the "project supervisor instructed me to commence the mixing of the ingredients necessary to complete the "project". According to the simple instructions, the combining of the ingredients should have been easy, but quickly accomplished. These instructions, however, did not take into account the two over fifty college graduates attempting to follow them and the fact that a two-year-old needed to be kept busy for fear of her losing interest. I responded as expected; I panicked and became easily frustrated and insisted the supervisor assume my duties immediately.

So, with this in mind and the timing slipping away quickly, the mixing was handed over to the "project" supervisor, whose experience with children's' "projects" is vast and renowned. The supervisor rapidly formed the ingredients into the desired form and I responded as instructed and aided the youngest team member in enhancing the "project". This portion of the "project", the supervisor could determine at a glance, was not going as she had envisioned.

She continued mixing additional "project" trials while instructing me to continue the enhancements to "Phase 1". She returned with "Phase 2", interrupted the little trooper who was "helping" and mixed "Phase 3". The little "helper" needed, and received, continuous encouragement and "Phase 3" was presented for enhancement. While "Phase 1" was, for the most part, a near disaster, "Phases 2 & 3" were considerable successes. Now came the clean up. This was the most fun part of the entire "project" for the team's youngest member as she loves playing in the sink.

All-in-all, the "project " was another memorable grandparent adventure and, once we are able to reveal the actual "project" description, it will make a great story.

Tizu's bedtime went on without a hitch and her parents had a pleasant night out as well and, to the best of our knowledge, did not peek at the "project". The over night was a success and ended with another story topper.

At lunch at the Red Robin our server dumped a soda on our son-in-law and breaking the glass on the floor. He did receive his sandwich free, but at the cost of soaked slacks the duration of the meal and a route home "the long way" so the little lady could fall asleep without a hassle. The man is a saint (for now).

(Revised 04/28/2009, 8:40pm - j2d)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I've always known that I, personally, am responsible for global warming. I admit it freely and make no apology for it (BTW, it snowed most of the day today[note the date]). Recently, it had been determined by "The One" (his EPA anyway) that I pollute merely by breathing. Today I learned I pollute because I am, shall we say, "overly calorized". I hope the BHO administration will adopt this terminology change. Those of us in this latter category are responsible for global warming because we have tendency to overeat which causes more food to be grown which causes more tractors to run which send more fluorocarbons to be emitted into the atmosphere. Also, according to know-it-all "eco-scientists" and "eco-psychologists", because of my gluttonous debauchery, I am not fit enough to walk, so I drive more thus...yadda-yadda-yadda.

Also, according to "The Sun" in the U.K., you know, that part of the world we Americans are to be more like, we "overly calorized" produce 1 ton more CO2 per year per fatty than the blessed super-model types. With any luck, because of our chosen lifestyles, we "overly calorized" will vacate the planet sooner than later, thereby leaving this glorious utopia to those better than us, who, simply because they consume fewer calories per day, are far more entitled.

BTW, a good place to start making large people into small ones would be the U.S. Senate dining room where these leaches can get steak on demand. This factoid was in the same article as referenced above. Let them eat cake! I could make a reference to overweight politicians and early departure, but it might be misconstrued as hate by a right-wing extremists, so insert your own joke here.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Former governor and late U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and his comrades in congress in the 1970's came up with THIS brilliant idea to combat...wait for cooling. It was thought back then that if we all picked up garbage and planted trees everything would be happy and wonderful. Poverty and pain would disappear, etc., etc., etc. Sound familiar?

Because of this, today we still are not able to drill for our own oil under our own land mass. Even BHO's brand new BFF, Hugo Chavez, at least has that going for him. BHO said in a comment about HC that Venezuela's economy "depends on its oil reserves for solvency". Boy, I wish our President could say that about our country!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Recently The Leader "quoted" scripture when referring to the economy and building its foundation on rock. That passage is Matthew, Chapter 7, Verse 24 and reads "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock". The same chapter , however, contains an earlier verse, 15 which reads "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves". I wonder why he omitted this verse?

As long as we're talking Bible and it is Sunday, I have another BHO suggestion from this morning's readings: "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ".- Colossians 2:8 Similar to above, don't you think? Coincidental, I think NOT. God must have moved the preacher to choose these verses specifically. He, however, was preaching on our Church's UW Chapel an its outreach. I chosen them to aid in making my point.

Friday, April 17, 2009


"Harper's Island" was another success. I did have to remind her of the characters at some points. I found it interesting that so far three of the five victims have been murdered but what sounds like a sword. Harry Hamlin was even shown without his legs. It seems well written and edited and keeps the viewer viewing. I will be back. I need to see how the whole thing ends.

This evening we set out all the summer yard stuff, patio table, chairs, bird bath, flower pots, etc. and ate grilled burgers on the patio for the first time this season. It was all topped off by a fine cigar. Good times.

I've discovered another tv channel. It's showing a 1959 cult classic "Bucket of Blood". The title is nothing like the film. It's about a bus boy who becomes famous with the beatniks for his sculptures which are actually clay-covered corpses of his murdered victims. What struck me was the way the beatniks lived like today's vegans and econuts. That reminds me, CO2 is now a pollutant! That's right, BHO's EPA declared it today. So now we DO hItalicave to hold our breath until the end of his term.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I read today that GM (Government Motors) has recalled 1.5 million cars for potential fire hazard. Buy American! Remember, the new CEO, BHO, has assured us that all warranties will be honored. This will be quite a trick considering both the U.S. government and GM are broke! Good luck GM owners!

Also, Fiat has said thanks, but no thanks to BHO's "offer" of merging with Chrysler. Chryslers CEO was not available for comment, he was walking Bo - not a coincidental name, by the way.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


"[I]n this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." --Benjamin Franklin

"The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets." --American humorist Will Rogers (1879-1935)

Well the feds took the extra fifty-three dollars - that's $53.00 they say I still owe from last year. "From my cold dead hands"... I hope BHO is able to buy some kibble with it. Heaven knows I don't need it, so says Timmy Terrific.

Did anyone contact the Pittsburgh Pirates regarding the recent troubles at their farm club in Somalia? I should check or I guess.

Monday, April 13, 2009


While many are praising our Comrade-in-Chief for his courageous dealing with the Somali pirates by allowing the Navy to be the Navy, his treatment of North Korea and Iran are quite the opposite. BHO told Kim Jong very Il there would be "consequences", specifically, another very strongly worded U.N. sanction statement ("words mean things"). He also claims that Iran will be dealt with accordingly, even though his administration is just fine letting Amanutjob continue splitting atoms for "electrical generation" and trusting him to be able NOT to build WMD (wow, there's a blast from the past 'eh?). Oh, I forgot to mention that Russia and China have veto power in the U.N. as to who gets "strongly worded sanction statements" and who do not. And these two countries are doing "business" with Iran.

Why can't some conservative in the congress or senate get a hold of a teleprompter and begin reading all of Ronald Wilson Regan's speeches? Every one is an uplifting positive gem. Most of us have either forgotten his words or have never heard (let alone read) them. We really need to "win one for the Gipper". I'd prefer to win the rest for the Gipper, but that would be unrealistic.


Well, the tandem tv trial was successful. The story, while a little protracted, held our interest enough, but gave few clues as to who "dunnit". I hope this isn't going to be some "Jason" deal. So far, that seems to be the case...developing. We may attempt another viewing this week.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


He is risen!

What a good weekend!. All the "kids" were home. Tizu was great as usual. Too much food, also as usual. We even got fresh air both days, even with the cool temperatures. Those encouraged movement. We learned that Courtney, Paul and Tizu are staying tonight also. Another Easter treat.

Even the Somali pirates allowing the U.S. Navy to overcome them and rescue the captain of the freighter. Easter still produces miracles.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


When we were first married (1976) Sherri and I watched television together. This was before cable and satellite, before "reality", when network television was actually worth watching and when there was usually only one tv in the house. We both assumed this would continue. Well, as soon as our daughters were old enough to be doing homework and we could afford more than one tv, this utopia ended. Now we have cable, four tv's and completely opposite taste in viewing preferences. Tonight will be a throw-back night. A new suspense program (Harper's Island) is premiering that we both are interested in and we are going to watch it together. We'll see if it's a keeper or not. I hope she is not watching in her usual distracted, half-watching mode and I need to explain who is who and what is what.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


With the second week of April nearing the end and the ever-so-slow advancing of spring, I can't help but reflect on climate change. After all, isn't change what climate does? In that vein, I saw an article on "The Drudge Report" that described the suggestions of "The One's" committee on climate change as to how to bring about the change it determined is required or we'll die (I may have over reacted here, but then again, we are talking about our delicate little blue planet). These "experts", after weeks of studying years of manufactured climatological data, determined that because of the dire need to fend off the inevitable and urgent warming of the globe, steps need to be taken. The tactics these "experts" recommend? Cloud seeding and artificial trees! I kid you not! The article did give lip service to the fact that cloud seeding could have unwanted side effects and that the artificial trees could be cost prohibitive, but, given the trillions of dollars this administration has us on the hook for, what's a couple of more hundreds of billions to fight the evilness of co2. As Drudge says "developing".

It was a pretty nice day today, even though the temperature was barely seasonal. This evening's walk was enjoyable because of it.

I am looking forward to this weekend. All the "kids" will be here and it's Easter, too.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I just read an article about the big "controversy" in North Korea regarding today's launch of some sort of rocket. Apparently the North Koreans wanted to launch what they called a satellite into orbit. The rest of the world saw it as a test to send a nuke the U.S., or to anywhere else. The article went on to say that it is believed tha the rocket fizzled and landed, with it's payload, into the Pacific Ocean. The commies claimed, as expected, the launch was a success and that the satellite was already "transmitting data and 'patriotic songs'". LOL! I am expecting better information tomorrow, but with the sycophantic media and the "transparency" of the current administration, who knows. It is, however, hilarious that the North Koreans mentioned patriotic songs! Do we live in the 1960's?

Another threat of the "White Death" has been issued for today. The alert began at 6:00am and is to run for twenty-four hours. Well, we are now twelve hours into the warning and we received a twenty-minute dusting at 8:00am which disappeared by the time we left for Palm Sunday services just after 10:00am. My daughter's family was visiting her in-laws in Iowa for the weekend and blizzard warnings were issued for there this morning. They, too got nada ("a little spanish lingo"). Imagine, man - unable to accurately predict the weather. Being unable to even predict the weather with expensive technology, how are we able to change the weather. I always appreciate these non events. I studied climate in college, but, mostly, it reaffirms my faith that God still has dominion over the universe he created and that he answers prayers.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Yes, this 1963 gem of classic is on AMC right now. This movie could not be made today with all the egos of today's "actors". Imagine all this fuss over $350,000! Chump change in today's world, though not to me. In the flick, it is proposed to split the money into shares. At first it was to be 14, for $25k per share. Another split was eight ways which landed $43,750 each. Then, more people got involved which expanded the shares, which, of course, reduced the potential payoff. That wasn't even the best part of the movie. That was reserved for the characters and subplots. Perhaps the funniest performance was by a non-comedian, Spencer Tracy (no relation to "Dick"), though no rookie concerning comedic acting and timing (original "Father of the Bride" comes to mind). Not a cuss word or gratuitous sex act in the entire three hours! I even own this cinematic masterpiece. My mother remembers seeing this movie in the theatre with a broken arm, which is significant in the final scene. Not familiar with any of this, rent it. It is most likely in the dollar rack.

As for today, it's still a mad, mad, mad, mad world and getting madder, what with Islamo-fascists running wild, economies on the brink of collapse, supposed republics taking over entire sectors of private industries for political points and power grabs and a news media turning a blind eye to it all because they not only obey The Leader*, they love The Leader*.

It's a good thing we still have escapism like this wonderful farce, unless The Leader* decides it is not good for us to see.

* see post regarding the movie "1984"