Tuesday, November 10, 2009


One of our founders, Benjamin Franklin wrote "The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy".
In other words, everyone should be treated equally, without regard as to their wealth, or lack thereof, their religion, or lack thereof, or their political leanings , or lack thereof.
Not taxing the rich extra because they are, well, rich. (When was the last time one obtained a job from a poor person? The top 1% of the taxpayers pay 40% of all taxes. 40% of all wage earners do not pay federal income taxes.)
Not demeaning an entire segment of the population by its own representatives (though not voted for by said segment) because of its (their) audacity to actually voice its (their) disapproval of the actions taken or about to be taken by said representatives. (Tea Parties, anti-tax rallies, town halls, etc.)
Not treating a segment of the population as a certain voting block because of the pork doled out by the government to that group to ensure its (their) votes. (welfare, medicare-medicaid, social security, government contracts, public employee unions, etc.)

This past weekend, while most of us were sleeping, the United States House of Representatives narrowly approved a health care overhaul bill, termed "the worst bill ever". The first bill I saw this summer, HR 3200, was 1,019 pages and contained hundreds of new mandates, dozens of new federal bureaucracies and spent a trillion dollars. This latest bill, designed to simplify HR 3200, is TWICE as long and spends TWICE the money. All surveys conducted since the first bill was "leaked" to us peons and, thus, properly vetted, have consistently indicated that we do not want this type of health care "reform". Yet, the politicians in with the majority in the House decided they know better what is good for the lowly masses. We are being treated as though we are not intelligent enough to accept this takeover over 1/8th of our economy and the surrender of many of our God-given "inalienable rights".

Not only are we supposed to merely allow the dolts in charge of Medicare, Social Security, the Postal Service, Cash for Clunkers, the scarcity of swine flu vaccine, etc, etc, etc, in charge of our health care, we, according to this new bill passed by an overwhelming majority of five (5!) votes, are REQUIRED to buy health insurance of some type (if our employer is small enough not to be required to offer it to us) or pay a fine and spend five (5[again]) years in federal prison if you choose not to. What happened to freedom of choice? VOTE THE BUMS OUT!!!!

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