Tuesday, February 2, 2010


First, he loses an election EVERYONE knew the Democrats would win - the Senate seat formerly occupied by the late "swimmer", Ted Kennedy to an "upstart" Republican State Senator backed heavily by every Massachusetts union and the President himself, which, in turn, ended the easy push through the Senate of the health care reform bill. Then the unconstitutional McCain-Feingold was struck down by the evil constitutionalists on the U. S. Supreme Court. Then the plan to try the 9/11 terrorist in New York City had be scuttled. Then even the sock puppet press could not avoid his lack of transparency in the health care reform process. Boor BHO.

I have a suggestion as to how BHO can save face in the trials matter, move the venue again. I suggest:
  • Detroit, especially at night. Even if riots did occur, nothing could be harmed.
  • Death Valley in summer.
  • The Bonneville Salt Flats in summer.
  • ANWAR (Alaska National Wildlife Refuge) where I've been advocating oil drilling. Since the drilling of oil won't be allowed, how about drilling terrorists. Oh, and hold these in January, of course.
  • The Everglades in August.
  • Washington, D.C. so BHO can watch the proceedings from his house.
  • Chicago, the center of BHO's universe, any time of year (how about Comiskey?).
  • San Francisco during Gay Pride Week.
  • Disney World, also during Gay Pride Week.
  • Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.

Maybe you have other suitable locations to try the 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-conspirators.

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