This last Tuesday, April 2, Wisconsin held its usual spring election. There were only two state-wide elections held, a position on the State Supreme Court and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Almost all communities also had local offices and county judgeships on the ballot. This column is focusing on the state-wide races.
The State Supreme Court race had an incumbent running who is a string constitutionalists who, according to her own words, believes that the legislature makes the laws and the SCOW is to base its opinions on those laws. The opponent was a Milwaukee attorney who has been in academia for a long time and has very little, if any, experience in an actual courtroom. A no-brainer, right? Not in Wisconsin. Fully 40% of this state hates our Republican Governor and the Republicans in the legislature so much, they vote against anyone associated with them. All a non-conservative candidate needs to do is convince about 10-1/2% of the voters to vote against the conservative because of those views. This usually occurs when the liberal money backs its candidate with union dues and Hollywood money. Luckily, this wasn't the case in the SCOW race and the real judge won re-election.
The School head was another story. The hand-picked union-backed, union hack incumbent was opposed by a former conservative legislator with no financial backing and out-of-the-box philosophy. So, my question is, how can the same voters who elected a conservative Supreme Court Justice turn around and elect a weak, union toady to run the most backward organization in the state? I guess the same ones who elected a conservative Governor a second time in two years and then placed the most liberal member of Congress into the U.S. senate and re-elected a Marxist for President.
Go figure.
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