Sunday, September 12, 2010


Today marked the second anniversary of the very day we met our precious granddaughter, Tizita Desta - her second "Tiziversary" as my better half coined it. We met her as she sleepily toddled off her third plane ride of the "day" that was nearly twenty-two hours long.
It began in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, then on to Amsterdam (I believe), then to Chicago and finally to Appleton. After all this, she had to meet more strangers, my wife and I as well as her paternal grandparents. She was a really charming trooper as I recall, though quiet and taking everything in. The end of our first meeting was another walk to her parents car in the dark and into a very foreign object, an automobile car seat. She never batted an eyelash nor fussed. By this, I knew she was comfortable with her parents.

The next day was a lunch time meeting where she had pizza for the first time. She ate it, but does not any more. We visited for short periods after this, at the request of her parents, so that she could bond with them better at her own house while getting to know us. I will never forget the first time she actually came to me on her own. It was sometime in October as she was wearing a Halloween outfit we bought her. We brought with us a plastic shopping bag full of gourds. she peered in, then grabbed the bag and sat between my legs on floor in front of me. I am truly a grandfather. It is a sobering, humbling feeling.

Happy Tiziversary, Tiz!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Happy Tiziversary John!