Well, it has been some time since I made an entry here. Actually, more like felt like making an entry here.
It is September, 2016. The Packer and Badger football seasons are in full swing. the Brewers finished at the bottom of their division as is their custom. And I have yet another new job. Actually, I've been at this one for almost a year now. My relationship with Systems Control ended amicably, but, alas, on their terms, not mine. I was receiving unemployment compensation form Michigan, which was a total of 24 weeks. I looked very diligently, of course, for something new, but who was going to hire a fifty-nine-year-old for any reason? I was concerned for losing the unemployment compensation as I was not getting offers, even very few interviews, for that matter. So, I went to an agency that advertised for openings in our local paper (yes, I even searched hard copies as a source!). I turned out is was for a local food processing plant. And, as it turned out, it was for a position other than that for which I actually applied and interviewed, a packager. It would have been equal to the amount I made on unemployment. I supposed I could endure this job until I turned 62 and "retire" early. That was the initial plan. Well, I was hired as a Quality Control Technician, Pre-weigh for $3.50 per hour more than originally stated. My job was to pre-weigh ingredients for large batches of varied prepared food items. These large batches were 1,000's of pounds. I weighed odd weights, such as the last 13 pounds of the recipe, but in many instances, tens of times. It was physically demanding work, especially for a fifty-nine-year-old. I worked a split shift - 1:00pm to 9:00pm. I truly hated this job, but was grateful to God for it every day I had it as it was a decent bridge toward our retirement planning.
Eventually, by the grace of God, I found another CAD position. This time with MI-Tech Services. And, of course, I get to commute, this time to Fond du Lac. There is a good side to this. I am within 30 minutes of our granddaughters, which I have been able to utilize on several occasions. Anyway, this "new" (to me) company designs power distribution systems, that is, overhead and underground electrical systems to homes and businesses. I do the drafting the designers draw by hand and include their designs from their word documents that specify everything needed ad each point - pole, transformer or pedestal.
While all this was going on, I have been witness to the demise of our great nation. We have a lame duck president, Barack Obama - legally, Barry Soetoro - who hates us and our country to the point where he has ignored the laws and our Constitution. He apologizes at every chance he gets to other nations regarding our past leadership and exceptionalism. And, as of right now, we are in the throes of a political season never before occurring. Both major candidates are highly disliked by their own party loyalists, Hillary Clinton (yes that one) on the democrat side and Donald Trump (yes that one) for the republicans. Their first debate will be tomorrow.
With this America-hater as our president, we have, by his design, been divided greatly. We have multi-millionaire football players claiming "oppression" and refusing to stand for the National Anthem. We have a group of professional riot organizers going to any city where a black criminal is shot by police and doing what they're paid to do. We have this president now paying 100's of millions of dollars to our "former" enemies as ransom for politically held prisoners. We have a presidential candidate who lies about lying and does it to Congress under oath that she does not believe.
We need God's grace as a nation more than we ever have, even more than our founders did.
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