Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This being my first pitch of my rookie start, I have opening game jitters. However, I do have opinions that I want to publish for some odd reason. So, here goes.

First, for those who know me, Madj has several connotations.

  1. I work in Madison (WI) for the first time after having commuted to the Milwaukee area for the last 25-or-so years. The change was forced upon me due to difficult economic times (even before the latest "crash").

  2. I have been known to exhibit a temper on occasion.

  3. I may be considered a bit loopy (coo-coo, whacko, etc.), especially for doing this.

Second, I bleed green and gold. Monday night and Tuesday were VERY tough on me.

Third, I am a political junkie so bear with me. this brings me to the following:

We (citizens of the United states) area bout to have yet another new president inaugurated in January. What a great country we are fortunate in which to reside! There is not a military coup, no citizen uprising, no outside influence in the process. Just another election and another switch in executive administration.

That being said, what are we thinking?!?!

We have elected the least qualified, least experienced, short-termed junior senator ever to run for the office. In President-elect Obama, we have a "book smart", attractive Marxist orator with questionable relationships, who, as a junior U.S. Senator from Illinois, proposed no bills of any significance in his meager four years of tenure. We were not allowed to call to question anything from his past because he is all about "hope" and "change".

I hope I have change left after his economic rescue plans take affect.

On a lighter note, we are about to celebrate a uniquely American holiday, Thanksgiving, which, I believe, is almost not actually celebrated at all. We are supposed to remember those first devout, intrepid religious pilgrims who established the first law-driven society on this continent, even though the original communist organization proved to be a bust. They were thankful to almighty God to have survived the voyage, the first horrible winter and difficult growing season. They were thankful just to be.

We, too, must thank our Creator for putting us here, now to take advantage of His bounty to us. We are extremely fortunate to occupy space in a country where the poor have televisions, cars, cell phones and computers. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

1 comment:

pva said...

Nice start, Rookie. I may not agree with all your takes on things, but I think it's great that you're getting your word out there.