Sunday, February 21, 2010


Now that I've had my third employer in four years say to me "John, you are a great asset to (blank), but the economics - blah, blah blah, yadda, yadda, yadda - we're going to have to let you go", I may have to rethink government-provided health insurance, especially for us "poor" people. The employer is compelled by law to provide its health insurance program (COBRA), at the former employee's expense, of course, but they always make it seem as though they're being benevolent.

This time the two owners sat a group of us in the company's newest conference room and let us all go at the same time. As soon as I heard the schpeal, I rose and left the room while the President shoved a copy of the COBRA info at me telling them I needed to call the unemployment office before they closed, because I'd been through this before, as it was 3:00PM and the office closed at 4:30 and I still needed to pack. I have found that 3:00PM on Thursdays need to be avoided. But I digress.

As I packed up the car, two of the layoff rookies were still talking while I had already set up my unemployment and packed up, I poked my head in turned in my key and asked if I needed to show up on Friday. Bob said I did not and, again, that he was sorry, which was a nice gesture from the Jester (see "The Company Christmas Part" entry from last year).

On Saturday, I smoked a cigar after scraping some snowflakes off the driveway and having applied to about six employment opportunities on line since Friday morning to celebrate the first day of the rest of my life. I may want to hope for a change in health insurance coverage after all,

1 comment:

Sherri said...

Yep, the excitement builds as we wait to see what God has in His divine plan for us! Hard to remember that it is indeed, His plan and we will not understand it or probably like it, this side of heaven! In the meantime, I appreciate all the errands and cleaning that you will be doing for me while I bring home the bacon. (Meager as it is)