Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I've always disliked April Fool's Day. It's like all the other "made up" days. One is coerced into going along with the customary prank-playing, etc. It is kind of cute, however, to see small children attempt the concept by repeating "look, your shoe is untied" or " your nose is gone" and then jumping way off the deep end into ridiculousness.

My fear this year is that the joke will be on me. I'm still jobless and have been required to attend a State-run job search seminar in two weeks. That should be a hoot! An entity partially responsible for the high unemployment rate giving advice as to how to get employed when jobs are fleeing the state at 10,000 or so per month partially due to the heavy state tax burden. Notice the "Catch-22"-like situation?

Anyway, at least the weather is beautiful right now - near 80 - and Tiz was here again (it's Wednesday) and will be here for Easter weekend and beyond.

I am aware that God has a plan, but I wish he wasn't quite so busy.

1 comment:

Lissa said...

I hear you...we just sit and wait in this house too, but there must be an end out there. Hopefully it comes sooner rather than later for everyone!