Wednesday, November 3, 2010


It was another great day to be an American citizen yesterday. A major national election was held and another complete turnaround in governance was accomplished without firing a shot or overrunning a capitol. It is the essence of this representative republic (this is NOT a democracy).

This being said, elections themselves are civil, organized, well run (even considering fraud) and downright boring. It is the campaigns that are messy. These are allowed to have lies spread and can get utterly mean. These thirty-second radio and television advertisements may or may not be slick, depending upon the candidate's funds and target audience. The voter is ultimately on his own to ascertain the truth. Luckily, the internet makes this task easier, but here, too, there is inherent falsehoods to mire through.

Anyway, the results were, as is the case in all elections, mixed. Here in Wisconsin, it is a good day for conservatism, though some did not win, most did. The proof will be in the governing pudding, that is, will the conservatives in now back in charge in Wisconsin govern or dictate.

One more thing. On the literal eve of voting day, the lame duck Governor and the lame federal administration entered into an agreement to spend $810,000,000.00 neither entity has on a train on which neither has been officially authorized to move for a population that does not want it. This is what I see as dictating, not governing. the theory is that "if we build it, they will come". We live in the twenty-first century, not the nineteenth. Besides, I'm still waiting for the jet pack I was promised in the 1950's!

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