Thursday, June 25, 2009


"Iranian Idiot: 'The international capitalist order is retreating... It is absolutely obvious that the age of empires has ended and its revival will not take place. --Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on his own re-election"
Source: The Patriot Post (PatriotPost.US) –Wednesday Chronicle – 06-25-09

And so it begins. A psycho "President" in the middle east, another one on the Korean Peninsula, pirates from, of all places, Somalia, all emboldened because of "hope" and "change". Eight months ago, none of this was happening, but, I'm certain, was being considered, dependent upon the outcome of the election, a true election, here. BHO has become the joke of the world, yet not any major "comedian" in the U.S. is able to find one thing funny about the Community Organizer from Chicago.

Kim from Korea has threatened Hawaii, the second time an Asian country has done so in modern history. Ahmmanutjob from Iran insists on wiping the "Great Satan" from the planet with their nuclear arsenal. BHO's response: cut funding of surface-to-air and all other defense systems so that all important GM union bosses pensions can be "saved" and medical insurance for all can be supplied by the country's "father" (as suggested by the fawning mainstream media). Oh, I forgot, our President did send a strong letter of recommended condemnations to the U.N. to send to them. Our "leader" finally shows his true abilities.

Instead of inquiring "how did you learn to love" maybe Charlie Gibson of ABC (All Barack Channel) should have asked about the threats from Iran and North Korea those to Israel, Afghanistan and Iraq, how Cap and Tax will finally kill the Oconomy and, probably, his second term. On the other hand, I don't know if any of those answers have been input into the hard drive of hid teleprompters.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Well, another vacation come and gone.

I chose not to blog on the vacation (no Facebook either). Actually, when I had the ambition, Sherri was hogging the computer (it was hers we brought along, after all). When the computer was free, I had no interest. So, following, in a nutshell, is my take on our vacation.

A little too much sun, even after advice from #2 daughter; not enough beer consumed; just enough cigars smoked (always found time for one each day on the island); fun with Tizu who is always a riot and what a great swimmer; very warm pools; very wet Gulf; only one excursion to sand bar; sun; not quite enough time spent at Blue Parrot; Yo-Yo Smashes, a local rum favorite (need I say more?); eating grilled catch-of-the-day, caught by our group; infrequent shaves; family fun; car worries; sunsets; kite flying; 110 heat indexes; 2 laptops; long drives; The Great Race; lots of sun (but I repeat myself).

All-in-all, this trip to St. George Island, Florida passed way too quickly. As quickly as we assimilated, we were as quickly back on the road, or so it seemed. One sad note, however, this will be the last trip to SGI for our beloved Taurus Wagon, which has faithfully carried us and our crap each time to this little piece of paradise in the northern Gulf of Mexico. This trip did it in and it gave its all for our pleasure and comfort. It will remain a part of our traveling future, just not for long trips. It is time for retirement as a workhorse. Take a well-deserved rest, dear friend.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


After two grueling days of driving, we've finally arrived to "The Forgotten Coast"!. Friday's drive was quite uneventful. We met up with the VA's at the Alabama welcome center, then on to our Days Inn in Cullman and a dip in the pool and pizza. There was one minor "incident", I guess it cold be termed. After lugging all the bags from our car into two separate rooms, turning on the AC, etc., it was determined that our room was not cooling off sufficiently - actually, not at all. After several kicks by my lovely but frustrated wife, I emerged from the pool and proceeded o the motel office to request a room change. After that was completed, all was well.

Saturday proved different. We woke up to thunder showers an very cool temperatures, to the chagrin of my lovely wife. We drove through torrential downpours and fog, heavy traffic and interminable traffic lights in two different cities. We were at least two hours behind our usual schedule.

Once Mad-j the pack mule had completed his tasks, a trip down to the shore was in order. After five minutes sitting by the waves, I inquired "were we recently in the car for two days? One bummer did occur. I called my mother who has been caring for my ailing father who recently suffered two mild strokes and PD to let her know we had arrived safely. All she could do was sold me or not calling her before we left, like I am a sixteen-year-old leaving for a month-long trip to Europe with a friend's family. She said my dad could have died and I just left without a call. Oh, that's right, this woman does not all her children; her children call her. The call did not go well.

Anyway, the opening night beers have been consumed and the cigar smoked. Life is good

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


We leave for SGI in less than thirty-three hours! Whoooo-Ray!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009


According to my 38-year-old Webster's Collegiate dictionary - yes, I look words up because words mean things - fascism is defined as a"system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of opposition, private economic enterprise under centralized government control, belligerent nationalism, racism and militarism". Quite some characteristics.

Just to be fair, I also looked up fascism in Merriam-Webster's on-line dictionary. It states: "often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition".

My point in this is that our present federal governing bodies have moved far beyond socialism (I'll let you look that one up) to fascism. Consider the Democrat party, in control of the House, the Senate and the Presidency with veto-proof majorities and majority votes (one-party dictatorship). Next, consider the probable reenactment of the "Fairness Doctrine" and the present sycophantic main stream media still fawning over The One, even to the point of calling him god-like.

Next is Government Motors. Even though he claims he doesn't want to run it, in his speech in its takeover, "I" was said thirty-eight times, "Congress" only once and the Constitution was ignored all together by our President. We, the People, also own Citigroup and are pressuring Fiat to "buy" Chrysler. This sounds like "centralized government takeover of a private enterprise" to me.

Belligerent nationalism is a little more difficult to exemplify, but the Teamsters being able to pressure BHO and his serfs in the Congress to restrict Mexican trucks on U.S. highways in direct violation of NAFTA comes to mind. The administration is too busy running its car company, its financial house and planning its takeover of the health insurance industry so hasn't had time to concern itself with nationalism just yet. But, as BHO told his Hollywood buddies "You ain't seen nothin' yet!".

Racism is a big part of this administration's agenda. If one speaks (or types, I guess) against BHO or his Latina justice pick, one is a racist. I, then, plead guilty! I was told I was a racist, or at least a bigot, during the last election because I dared express my opposition to the 1/2 black candidate the Democrats nominated and, GASP, even voted against him.

Militarism with this bunch is the most difficult because they, as a group, at least during the last eight years often disparaged the U.S. military, so one needs to use one's imagination to make this characteristic work, but they have 3-1/2 more years. Give them time.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


The Hunters (younger daughter & hubby), wanted to celebrate father's day early as the actual date will have me returning from vacation on St. George Island, Florida. :( I took the entire day off as the kids requested we get to Brew City by 5:00pm at the latest and on a typical work day I return home by 5:00.

We began the day with a bike ride. We attempted the north end of the Milwaukee county Oak Leaf Trail. We parked in downtown Wauwatosa and headed north. The trail was detoured several times as reconstruction was being undertaken. We eventually gave up the idea of our goal of the north terminus, Dretzka Park and returned to Tosa. We toured city streets and parkways and admired the homes of character in this village.

The evening began with pizza at yet another quaint place the Hunters have discovered and sampled. The neighborhood is not the best, so al fresco dining was verboten (wow, 3 different languages in one sentence). After dining , it was off the the Bradley Center for Milwaukee Iron football. Arena football is more flash and event than actual football, but, it IS football in June, so it's good, even with only 3,000+ in an 18,000+ arena.

We then continued the night with an Iron win and celebratory imbibement at one of the Hunters' favorite haunts. The night ended with a short walk home to Casa del Hunter, some sweets purchased earlier at the same bakery 'Lissa used for her wedding desserts and bed.

Saturday I stayed in bed until 10:00am, the first time in many years this was allowed. Good-byes were exchanged and then off to Oshkosh to visit the other kids and granddaughter after a brief stop at Sherri's favorite store, the Dollar Tree. If one needs really cheap crap, especially for a single-use, this is your place.

Tizu did not disappoint. We arrived just as her nap was ending and spent the remainder of her day with her. They leave for St. George Island on Tuesday in order to visit two other families on the way down. We meet in our usual first day stop, a Day's Inn in Cullman, Alabama. We take our own beer as we discovered about six years ago, Cullman is in a dry county. Not good for vacationing Wisconsinites. We arrive on st. George Island at around 3:00pm on Saturday. We generally get in the water by 4:30 or so, and cigars are lit by dusk. This will be another unique stay as we rent a house for the second time (Margaritaville) and Tizu will be there with us, though staying in another house with her Mama and Papa. It will be fun to watch Tizu in the pools (we and they each have one) and , especially, in the Gulf of Mexico.

We made these reservations and plans beginning a year ago and since then, I've lost a job, found a new job, married off a daughter (gained a second son-in-law), gained a granddaughter, witnessed the economy tank and a 1/2 black man be elected President. It has been an historic year.

The weekend ended by cleaning gutters and downspouts of maple seed "helicopters", changing out a 60-yer-old light switch (without burning the house down - yet) grilling burgers and a cigar and beer. Simple pleasures are still the best, at least until we're told even these will be taxed to prohibition.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I just attempted to watch an ABC network special "news" report "Earth: 2100". From what I saw, about thirty seconds, it must be a comedy. The special showed old shots of floods, hurricanes, etc. attempting to scare us into believing that this will be our daily existence in six short years. These "experts" actually stated that, if the world doesn't change its emissions of "greenhouse gases" right now, we could be at the "point of no return" by 2015. My math makes that only six years (five and a half, actually). Well, if that's the case, let's skip the bailouts, saving the auto companies, raising taxes, lowering taxes, even saving the planet because China, India and most of Africa will night sign onto this, so, it's all but over.

Wait, in six years, The One will be half way through his second glorious, wonderful, Camelot-like term. Shouldn't he have already saved the planet with his Government Motors cars, higher CAFE standards, cap and trade policies, taxing the rich, increasing ethanol use and bloating the size of the deficit, the national debt and the government itself? That would make ABC's INSIPID "news" special moot, wouldn't it?