Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I just attempted to watch an ABC network special "news" report "Earth: 2100". From what I saw, about thirty seconds, it must be a comedy. The special showed old shots of floods, hurricanes, etc. attempting to scare us into believing that this will be our daily existence in six short years. These "experts" actually stated that, if the world doesn't change its emissions of "greenhouse gases" right now, we could be at the "point of no return" by 2015. My math makes that only six years (five and a half, actually). Well, if that's the case, let's skip the bailouts, saving the auto companies, raising taxes, lowering taxes, even saving the planet because China, India and most of Africa will night sign onto this, so, it's all but over.

Wait, in six years, The One will be half way through his second glorious, wonderful, Camelot-like term. Shouldn't he have already saved the planet with his Government Motors cars, higher CAFE standards, cap and trade policies, taxing the rich, increasing ethanol use and bloating the size of the deficit, the national debt and the government itself? That would make ABC's INSIPID "news" special moot, wouldn't it?

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