Thursday, July 2, 2009


With all the store and car dealership sales, the family get-together preparations and the scheduled parades, the actual reason for the "Fourth of July" gets totally lost. I read the Federalist's "Patriot Post" newsletter today - where the editor wrote a brief history in his weekly essay regarding the Declaration of Independence. It made me wonder, given the current political climate, if this country could ever have come to pass as our founders had framed it. My vote is nay. These idiots would be far more concerned about whose state would contain the capitol, how much federal aid that state would receive for the capitol, what type of paper on which the Declaration would be printed and from which state the tree forming it would be taken and, again, how much aid for it. They certainly would not not have chosen a general as the President. It probably would have been a lesser representative with very little experience in government and absolutely none in the business or agronomic communities but able to read others words extremely eloquently.

Thomas Jefferson, another wealthy white guy founder, stated that the tree of liberty needs the occasional feeding by the blood of tyrants. Is this one of those occasions?

Before you jump to conclusions and assume you know what's in my head, I am not advocating a bloody coup nor inflicting physical harm on ANYONE. I am, however, advocating voting the bums out. Any politician who voted for any of the cockamamie spending bills forwarded by BHO and his minions in the House and Senate need to be shown the door at the next election. Here in the dairy state there is a movement afoot to recall our governor for his budgetary misdeeds and hyjinx. While this may not be the exact process, it is a start.

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