Wednesday, April 14, 2010


In order to continue receiving my well-deserved government handout, I was summoned to appear at a "reemployment seminar" at a state employment office building eighteen miles from my home. That was bad enough, but when I discovered that the seminar was to take place during the most enjoyable time of my unemployed week - that time my Tizu visits after preschool - it was irritating. Then as a topper, it was 80 degrees! There I sat in a "training" room at a government service center listening to a government hack drone on and on about how to look for jobs in Jefferson County and that it is important to have a GED.

She kept on repeating the lie that all the services that this wonderful bureaucracy provides are free. I did not have the heart to correct her, to let her know that the state has no money of its own, that it all comes from tax payers, US. I was only one of two people dressed in casual business attire. The other wasn't even the government employee - she wore jeans and Birkenstocks. I also think I was one of only three with college degrees. There were five unemployed truck drivers, which struck me (and others it was divulged) as quite odd with all the ads for same in the papers and on line.

Anyway, this entire "orientation" was to inform us of all the employment retraining services available, like the use of a telephone to call prospective employers, computers for training to use something called the "internet" and to learn how to use them to type. This agency could also teach us needed math, reading and comprehension skills.

Did the bureaucrats who chose the attendees required to be "orientated" actually look at what criteria was used? I just took a test that required knowledge of geometry, trigonometry, civil and structural engineering, along with 135 others for a construction inspection job! I guess I should have been "orientated" sooner sos I could answer the questions. Oh well, I least I still "paid" for sitting on my behind.

Oops, I almost forgot, this "orientation" counted as my required two job applications for this week. Catrina - her actual name - actually said we could breathe a sigh of relief for a week and not have to undergo the strain of job searching for the week. Oh happy days!


Sherri said...

I am laughing out loud here, well, you know, as loud as I ever laugh. YOu know, you can make money on your blogging if you build up your readership. Go for it, you write well! It can be a political blog, but then again, I don't think they advertise on those, oh well...
At least you have that reprieve from job hunting, HA

Kim said...

I seriously can't stop shaking my head. That is just unbelievable. Like Lissa said on FB, I'm glad they gave you tips on how to work a phone and the internet. Sorry you had to miss your Tiz time for that one.