Thursday, November 19, 2009


The U.S. Attorney General, Eric "Steadman" Holder (his resemblance to Oprah's Steadman is remarkable), has made a decision, he claims, to try Khalid Sheikh Muhammed, the 9/11 mastermind, and some of his cohorts in civilian federal court in New York City mere blocks from Khalid's target.

First, Steadman did NOT make this decision. His superior did. He, as is the case with many such minions, was merely the deliverer of the message. This has always been BHO's goal. He has a 9/10 mindset and a post-cold-war worldview that has hampered his ability to "pull the trigger", so-to-speak, in Afghanistan.

Second, Khalid has already admitted guilt and has expressed his desire for execution. There is no need for a show trial. the military could carry out his wishes at any time right now if they so chose. But, as is evident in the Ft. Hood massacre, PC-ism has even infiltrated the military management.

Third, Gitmo is the only prison suitable for such nefarious evildoers. It was built for just this purpose. To give these killers even a chance at being set free due to some unseen technicality is way beyond reprehensible. It, in itself, is criminal. I say for all those politicians, actors and other liberals who insist on closing the so-called torcher chamber on Cuban soil, send these poor souls to them and put them in the neighborhoods in which these liberals reside. Could you imagine the disdain and feather ruffling that would ensue should this actually take place? They, of course, as always, know what's better and insist NIMBY - Not In My Back Yard!

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