Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Just as 20,000 or so uber wealthy "climate change" alarmists and their sycophantic propagandists, the main stream (worldwide) media begin their summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, we here in Wisconsin got socked with our first heavy snow storm with anywhere from 2 to 18 inches of global warming, er, I mean snow with temperatures expected to fall into the single digits (Fahrenheit) by tonight and blizzard conditions. Now THAT'S climate change I can believe in.

Also, our ego maniacal Governor is considering passing executive orders - in order to circumvent the electorate, i.e. you and me - to attempt to LOWER the temperature in Wisconsin so that we are not accused of being among the global warmers. This after one of the coolest Augusts on record. I'm concerned as to how we keep the temperature lowered only within our borders and deny the warmer temps from invading Wisconsin. Oh, I remember, with higher taxes! I guess, even with one of the premier science universities right up the street from his lavish office at his beck and call to analyze data, he's convinced there is no more need for debate or analysis on "climate change" or "global warming" or "the sky is falling", despite recently discovered emails between leading "climate change" alarmists proving they've been "cooking the books" - just like Enron - for thirty years. The latest email even has a "reporter" asking one of the alarmists how he should handle this email discovery!

Where, oh where has my Algore gone?

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