Our own U.S, Congressman, David Obey (D-Moscow), the Chairman of the congressional Appropriations committee, stated recently something to the effect of ...how can we pay for health care reform and the overseas contingency operation (the administration's title) on Afghanistan without taxing the wealthy some more? His point, I believe, is that, in his screwy socialist mind, health care is a higher fiscal priority than the security of the Republic, the Constitution be damned! Even the founders thought expenditures for things not specified by the constitution were, in a word, unconstitutional.
Obey is pushing a plan to tax all wage earners of $150,000+ an extra 1% and those over $250,000 an extra 5% to help "pay for the war in Afghanistan". Let's see...who is who hire people and run businesses? Is it poor schleps like you an me or is it people "of means"? What will happen to prices of EVERYTHING when extra taxes are imposed on these "special" Americans? I don't suppose prices will go down. I don't even believe they will remain the level. The TRUTH is, simple economics shows us that when governments raise taxes, impose fees or establish unfunded mandates on the private sector or on other governmental agencies over which the first has jurisdiction, the "lower" entity MUST raise its fees, prices or its own taxes, there by continuing this upward-spiraling financial cycle.
Take this stupid stimulus at the federal level. What has Joe Sixpack gotten out of this $878,000,000,000? THE BILL! Now the geniuses in Congress want to spend another $891,000,000,000 on "health care reform - which they claim will NOT raise taxes or the deficit or the debt by 10 cents - and they're contemplating another $890,000,000,000 boondoggle for cap 'n tax to pay off GE, Algore and the Eco-Nazis that got them elected. In round numbers, that's $3,000,000,000,000 for only three new UNCONSTITUTIONAL programs. That doesn't even include all the unfunded mandates these bills produce(d), nor does it include "rescuing" failing 40-year-old programs from financial ruin, fraud and governmental mismanagement or our current debts of over $1,300,000,000,000.
If, by the way, you happen to disagree with me, you're most likely a racist!
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