Sunday, April 26, 2009


Yesterday we went to "The 'kosh" to spend some time with our granddaughter. At the risk of being uber-redundant, I believe she reveals more personality, intelligence, humor and independence every time we see her in this setting. I believe she is presently displaying her "twos", and her parents aren't biting, much to my approval. She has always been an agreeable child, not willing to please, but genuinely agreeable, seemingly using every encounter as a learning experience. This continues, even while the "twos" emerge.

This "agreeableness" was very evident last night. Her parents went out for some adult together time while we were charged with feeding and bedding. Her parents, however, felt it necessary to hang around far too late for our liking as we had a "project" to complete in their anticipated absence. This "project" was going to take some planning, patience and time. We finally felt it necessary to begin the "project" with the parents still present in the house under strict instructions "not to look" as we undertook the "project".

It was my assigned task to ready everything for swift "project" completion. I read and reread the instructions, noting that they were written for a ten-year-old to comprehend at one point reminding the reader that he/she may need the help of an adult at a specific point. The instructed preparations were made to the letter. Then the other 2/3 of the "project" team entered the prepared work area.

Surprised that the area looked so comprehensively prepared, the "project supervisor instructed me to commence the mixing of the ingredients necessary to complete the "project". According to the simple instructions, the combining of the ingredients should have been easy, but quickly accomplished. These instructions, however, did not take into account the two over fifty college graduates attempting to follow them and the fact that a two-year-old needed to be kept busy for fear of her losing interest. I responded as expected; I panicked and became easily frustrated and insisted the supervisor assume my duties immediately.

So, with this in mind and the timing slipping away quickly, the mixing was handed over to the "project" supervisor, whose experience with children's' "projects" is vast and renowned. The supervisor rapidly formed the ingredients into the desired form and I responded as instructed and aided the youngest team member in enhancing the "project". This portion of the "project", the supervisor could determine at a glance, was not going as she had envisioned.

She continued mixing additional "project" trials while instructing me to continue the enhancements to "Phase 1". She returned with "Phase 2", interrupted the little trooper who was "helping" and mixed "Phase 3". The little "helper" needed, and received, continuous encouragement and "Phase 3" was presented for enhancement. While "Phase 1" was, for the most part, a near disaster, "Phases 2 & 3" were considerable successes. Now came the clean up. This was the most fun part of the entire "project" for the team's youngest member as she loves playing in the sink.

All-in-all, the "project " was another memorable grandparent adventure and, once we are able to reveal the actual "project" description, it will make a great story.

Tizu's bedtime went on without a hitch and her parents had a pleasant night out as well and, to the best of our knowledge, did not peek at the "project". The over night was a success and ended with another story topper.

At lunch at the Red Robin our server dumped a soda on our son-in-law and breaking the glass on the floor. He did receive his sandwich free, but at the cost of soaked slacks the duration of the meal and a route home "the long way" so the little lady could fall asleep without a hassle. The man is a saint (for now).

(Revised 04/28/2009, 8:40pm - j2d)


Sherri said...

Pretty nice description of the project. it made me laugh. Do you use your spell check though? It sure was a fun weekend again.These make our otherwise boring life so fun.

Verna said...

I don't know if I would or could have been as patient as he was if they dumped Dr. Pepper on me. That stuff is sticky!!!!!!

Glad you had a good week end.

Kim said...

I can't wait until the "project" is revealed. I'm interested to see what you 3 cooked up.

Courtney and Paul said...

That is a great decription of the "project". Looking forward to the big reveal!