Thursday, May 28, 2009


Yep, it's official, The One declared the recession over to a crowd of uber-rich Hollywood types, just like W declaring "mission accomplished" on a carrier in Iraq. (I don't think the main stream media will make this comparison) Boy, I feel better already. It must be that $13.00 every paycheck.

Oh, BTW, BHO is considering what the politicos call a Value Added Tax (VAT) to help to fund his health care plan. This amounts to a national sales tax. That would be a new added tax on EVERYONE, thereby breaking yet another campaign promise of not raising taxes on 95% of all Americans. Oh, another tax he's considering is one forwarded by none other than that evil John McCain that BHO attacked in the campaign. That would be a tax on private health care plans supplied by employers. McCain's plan actually would have reimbursed the taxed in order to buy private insurance. BHO is only planning to levee the tax, not reimburse anyone. Again, taxing only 5%? I don't think so!

On a much more pleasant note. Tizu arrives on Saturday for a parent-less overnight. We can't wait to use the swing. Sherri, now that her summer vacation has begun, has loaded up the larder with Tizu food and set the toys around. Only two weeks until we leave for Florida.

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